Tag Archives: #Yam

See You Again!


Like everyday,  a lot of things drag me closer to you. If you were here, how things would have changed! 

I know you can feel me,I feel your presence too.

I have always remembered you on a good note,like every one of us do. You have left a strong imprint of love in the hearts of many people. You have kept me and everyone of us closer to a lot of people around the world. Despite that, your physical absence creates a void that never gets fulfilled.

And when I think about you and your absence, too much with a pang of pain  , you appear in my dream on the same night. Thanks to our connection and brain. 

Even in my dream, I always realize  that you have left physically. Yet, you assure me that you had never left me, with a smile. 

You have always spread love-A lot of them always remember you with passion and love.

You were very happy tonight, that smile is what I wish to stay with you forever. Your long coat and smile, in front of Planet’s gate, in a way can be said that, you have never left Planet and us.

The way you looked at me-that love can never be described.

And this smile of yours-let it always stay with you, wherever you live now.

‘How could you leave us?’- always stays with me.

You always see me crying in my dream, asking the same question, ‘Why did you go too early?’ You remain calm and smile and say, ‘I am all here,like always.I have not gone anywhere.’

I love this part of the dream, but I know that I shall wake up soon.The wakening is too painful…I wish I could continue the dream…and I wish I could live with it forever.

The hard reality of accepting the truth always stays with me, with the bright sunlight. I embrace our dreams, carry some tears, and move on. I go on, for you and me, for the life that you have created, to live and love. 

The principle that you embraced-Do it with love. Be calm. Managing things in every part of our life  is the most important thing-this being some last words you said still resonate louder.

Some drops of tears- and immense love, You are forever alive.

I love you,dear brother.

Stay smiling,forever.

-Yam’s Naresh